
Here you can find my publications, software, and an occasional blog post.


I work as a senior researcher at Statistics Netherlands and I am a research fellow at LIACS. I also volunteer as an editor-in-chief at the R Journal and I co-maintain the Awesomelist of official statistics software. I am an elected member of the International Statistical Institute. At Tridata I have developed and taught courses in the area of data science and statistics with R or Python since 2012.


At LIACS I work on the ANO-NET project where we develop methods to ensure anonymity in complex network data.

Most of my research is broadly in the area of statistical computing. This resulted in (co)-authoring a number of R packages in the areas of data cleaning, fuzzy string matching and text search, unit testing, and others.

How to reach me

e-mail mark dot vanderloo at gmail dot com
research ORCID logo 0000-0002-9807-4686 Google Scholar
code github.com/markvanderloo
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